Coaching is an interactive method that enables individuals and organizations to achieve extraordinary results by increasing their performance. Also, coaching is a new profession recognized in the world and in our country. It can be confused with different professions and specialties through it is a new and developing profession.
Coaching is not therapy; ın therapy, the focus is often on resolving past difficulties that hinder the individual’s emotional functioning in the present, improving overall psychological functioning, and addressing them in more emotionally healthy ways in the present. Coaching focus on the future. While positive feelings and emotions are a natural consequence of coaching, the primary focus is on creating actionable strategies to achieve specific goals in the individual’s work or personal life. The role of coaches is not to “cure” the negativities and effects of the past, but to support the person in building his/her future in the best way for himself/herself by focusing on one’s potential and goals.
It is not consultancy; although counseling approaches vary widely, it is assumed that the counselor will diagnose problems, prescribe, and sometimes implement solutions. In coaching, there is an assumption that the coach and individuals or teams have the capacity to come up with their own solutions, providing discovery-based approaches and frameworks.
It is not mentoring; a mentor is an expert who provides wisdom and guidance based on his own experience. Mentoring can include giving advice, counseling, and coaching. The coaching process does not involve giving advice or counseling and instead focuses on individuals or groups who set and achieve their own goals.
It is not education; Educational programs are based on goals set by the teacher or trainer. In the coaching process, the goals are determined by the coached person or team with the guidance of the coach.
A Gestalt Coaching Primer: The Path Toward Awareness IQ by Dr. Dorothy E. Siminovitch MCC