
Together with our recruitment and end-to-end human resources consultancy process, we provide  “coaching” services to customers in need, in order to maximize the true potentials of existing  employees whether they are beginners or experienced  

We believe that coaching is one of the most important tools in today’s world to manage performance correctly and to reveal the potential. We believe that institutions that believe in a coaching culture,  deepen their learning capacities, improve their performance and increase the quality of their corporate culture, and we include this service in our customers’ human resources practices with our coaches from different educational backgrounds who specialize in this field. 

We design our coaching processes meticulously in line with the identified focuses and needs of the coach-client development journey within the framework of the undeniable ethical and confidentiality rules of coaching. 

We are progressing under three headings in our coaching service. Executive Coaching, Performance  Coaching, and additionally Orientation Coaching to the candidates that we have placed in the job or newly started in the company during the adjustment periods. 

How Do We Design Our Process?

After the first meeting, we share how many sessions and which topics we will focus on, and which methods we will use. We design a special program for you based on your needs and goals. Our sessions last 50 minutes and we plan our meeting days and hours in line with your convenience.  When we reach the halfway point of our journey according to the duration and content, we evaluate our development process. After completing all our sessions, we talk about how you will make the gains and awareness you gained during your coaching journey permanent in your life. We are giving away 2 free 30-minute follow-up sessions within 3 months of completing our coaching journey.

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